Jane Goodall Institute Japan - ジェーン・グドール インスティテュート・ジャパン


© JGI/Hugo van Lawick

about Jane Goodall




Valerie Jane Morris-Goodall was born on April 3, 1934, in London. From earliest childhood, Jane’s mother encouraged her fascination with animals. Young Jane immersed herself in books about wild animals and dreamed of a life alongside African wildlife like Tarzan and Dr. Dolittle.




Jane’s Mentor Dr. Louis Leakey

In 1957, Jane eagerly accepted a schoolmate’s invitation to the family farm in Kenya. Within a few months of arriving, she met the famed paleoanthropologist, Dr. Louis Leakey. Dr. Leakey was searching for the right person to study fellow great apes, particularly chimpanzees. This was not only to better understand these little-known primates, but also to gain insight into the evolutionary past of humans, as chimpanzees and humans share a (most recent) common ancestor some 6 million years ago. He was drawn to Jane’s persistent desire to understand animals and believed that a mind uncluttered by the reductionist thinking of ethologists of the time would yield a fresh perspective.

© JGI/Courtesy of the Goodall Family

© JGI/Courtesy of the Goodall Family

© JGI/Joan Travis

© JGI/Judy Goodall





In July 1960, Jane arrived on the shores of Lake Tanganyika in what is now Gombe National Park, Tanzania, East Africa. Everybody said, “How will you do that? You don’t have money. Africa’s far away. It’s a dangerous place and anyway you’re just a girl. Girls don’t do that sort of thing.”, except her mother, who encouraged Jane’s dream.





Jane Arrives in Gombe

Equipped with little more than binoculars, a notebook and her fascination with wildlife, Jane ventured into what was then called the Gombe Stream Chimpanzee Reserve – embarking on a journey that would redefine the relationship between humans and other animals and ultimately help shape the burgeoning strategies of world conservation into the 21st century.

She took an unorthodox approach, immersing herself in the chimpanzee’s habitat. After months of trying to gain their trust, she was able to experience their complex society as a neighbor, rather than a distant observer. She then further defied scientific convention by giving them names instead of numbers. She came to understand them not only as a species, but as individuals with personalities, complex minds, emotions, and long-term bonds.

© Hugo van Lawick

© Hugo van Lawick

© JGI/Hugo van Lawick

© JGI/Jane Goodall


1960年10月、“白ひげのデイビッド”とジェーンが名付けたチンパンジーとの話は、彼女のキャリアを語る上で外せない代表的な功績のひとつです。当時の科学では、人間と動物を分かつものは、「道具を作り、使うこと」と考えられていました。しかし、デイビッドが葉をきれいに取り除いた茎をアリ塚に差し込み、シロアリをつりあげて食事する様子をジェーンは目撃したのです。「大変だ! 人間と道具を定義し直すか、チンパンジーを人間として受け入れなければ!」リーキー博士のこの言葉は、いかにこれが科学界を揺るがす発見だったかを物語っています。この発見により、ナショナルジオグラフィック協会が研究のスポンサーとなり、その後も調査研究が続けられることとなったのです。

Revolutionizing Primatology

One day, in October 1960, she saw the chimpanzee she named David Greybeard use grass stems to fashion tools for fishing termites from their nest. Up until that revelatory moment, mainstream scientists thought humans were the only species to make and use tools, having defined us as “Man the Toolmaker.” Her insights rocked the scientific world, prompting Dr. Leakey to proclaim, “Now we must redefine man, redefine tool, or accept chimpanzees as humans!” Her published findings on the tool-making practices of chimpanzees remain one of the most highly regarded observations in the world of animal behavior research.




Ph.D. in Ethology

During her first years at Gombe, she also observed several other behaviors that transformed our understanding of chimpanzees. This included that they 1) Can be compassionate and altruistic, 2) Will hunt and eat meat (though it is less than 3% of their diet), 3) Can engage in “primitive warfare,” and 4) Have lasting bonds between family members (all species have strong mother-infant bonds). In 1961, Jane entered Cambridge University as a Ph.D. candidate, only the 8th person to be admitted without an undergraduate degree. She repeatedly returned to Gombe to continue her observations throughout her time at Cambridge, before earning her Ph.D. in Ethology (animal behavior) in 1966 and continued her research in Gombe.

© Hugo van Lawick

© Kristin J. Mosher


ジェーン・グドール インスティテュート

ゴンベ・ストリーム・リサーチ・センターでの研究を持続可能にしていくと同時に、ジェーンの調査研究はチンパンジーや動物たちが暮らす森林の保護活動へと拡大し、1977年にジェーン・グドール インスティテュートを創設しました。

地球が壊れていく姿を目撃し、その現状に希望を失った子どもたちと出会ったジェーンは、1991年にユースの環境保護プログラム「ルーツ&シューツ(ROOTS & SHOOTS)」を開始。また、貧困や教育の問題と環境破壊の負の連鎖を食い止めるべく、1994年にはアフリカ初のコミュニティ主導型の環境保護プログラム「タカリ(TACARE)」を立ち上げました。現在、ルーツ&シューツは世界中に広がり、今では年間100万人もの子どもたちが参加しています。また、12の村からはじまったタカリは、現在100以上の村で実施され、その地に暮らす人々の暮らしが改善されていったと同時に、多くの森が回復し、これまでの努力が実を結んでいます。これまでの献身的な活動を讃え、2002年に国連平和大使に任命されました。

about JGI

In 1977, Jane established the Jane Goodall Institute (JGI) to advance her vision around the world and for generations to come. JGI continues essential research at Gombe Stream Research Center and is a global leader in the effort to protect chimpanzees and their habitats through community-led conservation.

The organization also advances best practices in animal welfare, innovative applications of science and technology, and youth empowerment through its Roots & Shoots program, created in 1991. In 1994, JGI launched TACARE, a program supporting locally managed education and socio-economic development together with sustainable natural resource management. In April 2002, Secretary General Kofi Annan named Jane a United Nations Messenger of Peace.

about JGI

© Michael Neugebauer

© JGI/Fernando Turmo

© Michael Neugebauer

© JGI/Fernando Turmo

© Michael Neugebauer






join JGI

Prior to the Pandemic, Jane traveled on average 300 days per year, speaking about the threats facing chimpanzees, other environmental crises, and her reasons for hope. Today, Jane continues to connect with worldwide audiences, despite present challenges, through ‘Virtual Jane’ including remote lectures, recordings, and her podcast, the “Jane Goodall Hopecast.” She shares her message of hope and inspires people worldwide to take action on behalf of people, other animals, and the planet every single day…

“Respect for each other. Respect for the environment. Respect for Animals.”

Jane gave us this vision and started this work. The rest is up to us. Together, with everybody making a difference, we can change the world.

join JGI

© JGI/Mary Paris

© Stuart Clarke

© JGI/Bill Wallauer

© JGI/Bill Wallauer


1963 フランクリン・バール賞(ナショナルジオグラフィック協会) / 1980 ゴールデンアーク勲章(野生動物保護活動に対し) / 1987 アルベルト・シュバイツァー賞 / 1990 京都賞(稲森財団) / 1995 ハバード・メダル賞(ナショナルジオグラフィック協会) / 2001 ガンジー・キング賞 / 2002 コフィ・アナン国連事務総長より平和大使に任命される / 2002 エリザベス女王よりDBE(大英帝国勲位)に叙せられる / 2003 ベンジャミン・フランクリン・メダル賞 / 2003 スペイン皇太子賞(科学技術部門) / 2017 コスモス国際賞(国際花と緑の博覧会記念協会) / 2021 2021年度テンプルトン賞

Awards and Honors

1963 Franklin Barr Award (National Geographic Society) / 1980 Golden Ark Medal (Honor for Wildlife Conservation) / 1987 Albert Schweitzer Award / 1990 Kyoto Prize (Inamori Foundation) / 1995 Hubbard Medal Award (National Geographic Society) / 2001 Gandhi King Award / 2002 Appointed Ambassador for Peace by UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan / 2002 DBE (Order of the British Empire) by Queen Elizabeth II / 2003 Benjamin Franklin Medal Prize / 2003 Prince of Spain Prize (Science and Technology) / 2017 International Cosmos Prize (Commemorative Association for the International Garden and Greenery Exposition) / 2021 Templeton Prize


オランダ・ユトレヒト大学 / ドイツ ミュンヘン・ルートウィヒ-マクシミリアンズ大学 / スコットランド・スターリング大学 / 台湾・プロビデンス大学 / カナダ・グェルフ-ライアーソン大学 / 米国・バッファロー大学、タフツ大学 / 京都大学(2007年)など

Honorary Doctorates

Utrecht University, The Netherlands / Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Germany / Stirling University, Scotland / Providence University, Taiwan / Guelph-Ryerson University, Canada / University at Buffalo, Tufts University, USA / Kyoto University


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ルーツ & シューツ

Roots & Shoots

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