vol. 001
初回は気象予報士の井田寛子さん──「気象予報士として、気候変動のことをもっと伝えたい」 Hiroko Ida──"As a weather forecaster, I aim to shed more light on the topic of climate change."

これは、ジェーン・グドール博士が常々口にする言葉。そこでジェーン・グドール・インスティテュート ジャパンは、自然環境活動や動物保護活動などに心血を注ぐ人々にスポットをあてた新連載企画「Jane & Me」をスタート。「人」「動物」そして「自然」が共生する平和な世界につながっていくための“希望”を育み、“行動”へと繋げていくために、同じ想いをともにする方々のストーリーテリングを展開していきます。
──そもそも天気予報はどうやって行っているのでしょうか? 天気の予測と気候変動の予測の違いとは?
──今年の日本の夏は、記録的な暑さとなりました。これは異常気象なのでしょうか? また、日本の気候はどう変化していると思いますか?
Questions by: Roots & Shoots Saint Mary’s International School, Roots & Shoots Yokohama International School
Photo: Courtesy of Hiroko Ida
Coordination: Asami Yamamoto
Interview & Text: Mina Oba
“To change one’s attitude, you’ve got to reach the heart. And I do that through storytelling”──Dr. Jane Goodall
Inspired by her words of hope, the Jane Goodall Institute Japan launched a new interview series called “Jane & Me”. We are interviewing environmental conservationists, activists, scientists, (and more!) who share Jane’s wisdom, and focusing on individuals dedicating their efforts to build a world where humans, animals, and nature coexist in harmony.
Our very first changemaking guest is Hiroko Ida, a familiar face to many as a television weather forecaster. “As a weather forecaster, I aim to shed more light on the topic of climate change.” says Hiroko. Driven by her curiosity and compassion, she now works as a Climate Educator, bridging meteorological knowledge with insights into climate change and shares her knowledge with others.
We conducted the interview based on the many questions gathered from the youth members of the Roots & Shoots group. Join us and get curious as Hiroko’s stories help us to grow our compassion and take action to build a better world.
──How did you end up becoming a weather forecaster?
Since I was a child, I have loved nature and animals. I started my career as a TV reporter, because I wanted to share my love of nature and wildlife with others. I was initially assigned to Shizuoka, an area prone to frequent typhoons, and it was there that I experienced how, when a natural disaster occurs, all news coverage shifts to this theme. I realized that the natural world is not only beautiful, but also has great power, and that protecting human lives from natural disasters must be the foremost responsibility of the media. Since then, I have endeavored to become an expert on natural disasters so I might be able to share more knowledge, which led me to obtain qualifications as a weather forecaster.
──As a weather forecaster, what have been the challenges you’ve faced in reporting on climate change?
In 2008, when I started my career as a weather forecaster, there was a growing focus on climate change in Japan. Initiatives promoting eco-friendly lifestyle choices (such as turning off the lights, using public transportation, etc.) gained momentum. However, it was not so common for the media to make the connection between natural disasters and climate change at that time. Then, the Tohoku Earthquake and Fukushima disaster occurred in 2011, bringing energy issues to the fore. On top of this, unprecedented heatwaves and heavy rain struck across Japan, making it apparent to everyone that natural disasters were increasing in severity.
Despite this, reporting on the natural disasters themselves was the priority, and communicating the link between them and climate change was more challenging. I, for one, struggled with a lack of confidence in my ability to report accurately on the topic. However, over the subsequent decade, scientific research has advanced and as a result I have gained confidence and a desire to report on the connection between climate change, global warming and natural disasters.
──What scientific data did you refer to?
We are not climate scientists, so we rely on interpreting scientific data about the climate. We were able to substantiate much of our information from the IPCC reports, generated by numerous research papers and which showed us that the temperature was rising because of human activity. Additionally, we’ve seen the introduction of scientific analytical methods such as ‘Event Attribution’, which quantifies the impact of global warming on extreme weather events. This evidence enables us to now speak with confidence.
──What inspired you to care about climate change?
One of the main reasons I wanted to take a more in-depth look at climate change was when I went to the UN Climate Summit in 2014, just before COP21 (where the Paris Agreement was signed) was about to take place. During that event, weather reporters around the globe gathered for workshops that were held with climate scientists. There, we realized that there was a shared concern that, despite everyone consistently reporting on the daily weather, climate change was not being adequately reported upon. The reasons included insufficient broadcast time, a lack of understanding from colleagues and superiors, and uncertainty as to whether non-scientists like us should be speaking about climate change in the media.
On the other hand, it became apparent that scientists were actually seeking our help. They had the knowledge, but they did not have a regular platform to share their knowledge with a wider audience, and also struggled to simplify complex information for these audiences. There was, in fact, an expectation that we as reporters and communication professionals could fulfill this role.
──What is your role as a Climate Educator?
One is to change the way the media communicates. Currently, when natural disasters occur, the reporting often ends with keeping up with and sharing the most urgent facts, as opposed to delving into the relationship with climate change. To address this, I entered graduate school and conducted research by collecting and analyzing 15 years of television data. The analysis revealed a clear lack of communication regarding the relation of weather and climate change. I also discovered that there are individuals within the media who recognize the inadequacy of the current approach. I have used this research as an opportunity to increase the number of colleagues producing TV programs that connect weather to the climate crisis, and to advocate for increasing discussion on climate change in daily weather reports. In addition, I have engaged in initiatives to share the insights I’ve gained as a journalist and researcher with corporations and local governments.
I also hope to convey something meaningful to children who possess sensitivity towards nature and flexibility in their thinking. Children inherently have the ability to observe and enjoy things around them, whether that be animals, plants, and flowers that surround us. They are the greatest researchers who can explore the changes happening in nature, such as the appearance of butterflies and ladybugs, reflecting on the season of cherry blossoms blooming, and so on.
──It is truly wonderful to see how you have connected your childhood passion towards nature to your current profession. What aspects of Dr. Jane inspire you?
My other dream was to become a veterinarian, so I deeply admire Dr. Jane’s ability to translate her ‘interests’ and ‘passions’ into tangible accomplishments. The more I learn about climate change, the more I realize the big role that politics plays and the complexity of the challenges we face. Without making political changes, we cannot protect what we cherish. Dr. Jane’s ability to take holistic action and contribute to society in such a comprehensive manner is such a remarkable accomplishment.
──How do you predict the weather? What is the difference between weather forecasting and predicting climate change?
That is a very good question. I often receive questions about why we can make predictions about the weather for decades or centuries ahead even though sometimes the forecast for tomorrow is off the mark. This is about the differences between weather and climate. Weather forecasting can predict conditions for the next few days or weeks. In Japan, the technology achieves accuracy rates of approximately 80%. Using past weather observation data and supercomputers for calculations, it is possible to predict changes in the Earth’s atmosphere, oceans, and land conditions. From these numerical analyses, forecasts for the next few days can be generated. The accuracy of supercomputers and advancements in observation technologies, such as weather satellites, have improved, and consequently, weather forecasts have become more reliable.
On the other hand, future climate predictions, such as whether the climate will become hotter in the next few decades, utilize “climate models” to simulate changes in the Earth’s climate. By comparing scenarios with and without anthropogenic factors, including greenhouse gas emissions, these models can predict the extent to which temperatures are likely to rise due to global warming. While it may not be possible to predict the weather on January 1, 2050, simulations can provide forecasts in terms of probabilities, indicating trends and patterns. It’s important to note that weather and climate science involve significantly different scales and forecasting methods.
──This year Japan had the longest, hottest Summer on record and the hottest November day on record. In your opinion, are these weather extremes anomalies for this year or do you think that the climate in Japan is changing?
The term abnormal weather has a defined meaning and refers to phenomena that occur approximately once every 30 years. Therefore, abnormal weather is a result of natural variations and is not influenced by human activities; rather, it arises from inherent fluctuations within the Earth, such as occurrences like El Niño or La Niña. However, global warming increases the frequency of such abnormal weather events, causing occurrences that were expected once every 30 years to happen every 10 years. The heat that we experienced this year was compounded by the influence of El Niño and exacerbated by global warming. This abnormal weather also reveals the gradual transformation of our climate over a long period.
It is undeniable that the Earth is warming, and in Japan, the frequency of heavy rainfall is increasing, elevating the risk of disasters. However, I believe it’s important to focus on the positive aspects as well. For instance, we must limit the global average temperature increase to less than 1.5 degrees compared to pre-industrial levels by 2050. This also means that we have the ability to maintain the current state if we can change our actions. Scientific evidence like this has prompted political action, accelerated the sustainable transformation in business, and brought about innovation in many fields. This brings me hope. To cherish the tapestry of nature and pass it on to the next generation, I think it’s important, especially as someone in my field of work, to reframe challenging issues in a positive light and actively participate in finding and developing solutions.
──Your profile states that you like vegan cooking. What sparked your interest?
Yoga became part of my daily routine a decade ago, and it helped me to realize that my body feels better on a vegan diet. Additionally, my interest toward vegetables and fruits led me to study as a Vegetable Sommelier and explore raw food. The richness and deliciousness of organic vegetables and fruits captivated me. I found that vegan cuisine allows the flavors of vegetables to stand out even more. I also embraced the idea that vegan dishes are not only delicious but also beneficial for the planet. After becoming a parent, I continued to have dishes like soy meat tempura, but now I maintain a flexible approach to meals to give my children an opportunity to choose on their own. As part of communication at the table, I introduce various food options, such as choosing a vegan cake for Christmas, to expose them to a diverse range of culinary experiences.
──What motivates you to take action?
Understanding the weather and connecting the insights of climate is something we must do. No one has yet done this, and it is something I want to achieve. This goal is my motivation.
And another important factor is my children – the next generation. Through parenting, I witness my children’s fascinated expressions when they see the beauty of the mountains and the sky. However, the summers have become too hot, limiting the places they can play. This breaks my heart and I strongly feel the need to pass on the miracles of Earth to the next generation.
Questions by: Roots & Shoots Saint Mary’s International School, Roots & Shoots Yokohama International School
Photo: Courtesy of Hiroko Ida
Coordination: Asami Yamamoto
Interview & Text: Mina Oba
Editor: Mariko McTier