vol. 002
プロサファリガイドの加藤直邦さんが体験した、ジェーンとの逸話 Professional Safari Guide Naokuni Kato──Special Experience With Jane at Gombe

これは、ジェーン・グドール博士が常々口にする言葉。そこでジェーン・グドール・インスティテュート ジャパンは、自然環境活動や動物保護活動などに心血を注ぐ人々にスポットをあてた連載企画「Jane & Me」をスタート。「人」「動物」そして「自然」が共生する平和な世界につながっていくための“希望”を育み、“行動”へと繋げていくために、同じ想いをともにする方々のストーリーテリングを展開していきます。
そこで自分が学んだのはワイルド・ライフ・マネージメントでした。レンジャーの仕事は、人と動物の問題を解決しながら保護区を管理していくことなので、授業は生物の基礎知識から始まり、野生動物の捕獲や調査の仕方から、密猟者を取り締まるためのライフルレクチャーまで多岐にわたります。特に印象的だったのが、「People & Protected Area」という授業です。アフリカの保護区の成り立ちというのは、植民地時代に西洋人が野生動物を狩猟したことに端を発し動物が減ってしまったため、自然を回復するために保護区を作ったのが始まりでした。ですが、元々住んでいた住民までも保護区の外に追い出してしまったため軋轢が生まれてしまい、この課題を解決するためにどうすればいいか、皆でディスカッションするというものでした。一つの答えというものはないのですが、環境教育とエコツーリズムなどについて例題をあげてみんなで話し合う時間は、非常に興味深かったです。
Questions by: Mori To Doubutsu
Photo: Courtesy of Kato Naokuni
Coordination: Asami Yamamoto
Interview & Text: Mina Oba
“To change someone’s attitude, you’ve got to reach their heart. I do that through storytelling”──Dr. Jane Goodall
Inspired by her words of hope, the Jane Goodall Institute Japan launched a new interview series called “Jane & Me”. We are interviewing environmental conservationists, activists, scientists, (and more!) who share Jane’s wisdom, focusing on individuals who are dedicated to building a world where humans, animals, and nature coexist in harmony.
Our second changemaking guest is Naokuni Kato, the first Japanese national to obtain a government-approved professional safari guide license in Kenya. He loves animals and nature, and is dedicated to wildlife conservation through ecotourism.
We conducted the interview based on the many questions gathered from the youth members of the Roots & Shoots group. Join us and get curious as Naokuni’s stories help us to grow our compassion and take action to build a better world.
──What was your childhood like?
I grew up in Izu, Shizuoka Prefecture, where we have oceans, mountains, and rivers. I grew up with a love for both nature and animals. I was the kind of child who would catch snakes and put them in my clothes to play. My parents never got angry with me for this, but rather seemed to enjoy watching me do what I do. They always supported my dreams.
──So that led you to working with animals.
My childhood dream was to work in a zoo, pet store, or if I was lucky, at Mutsugoro Animal Kingdom. So, in line with that dream, I chose to go to an agricultural high school and study animal husbandry. However, I couldn’t ignore my passion for wild animals and so, since the internet was not yet the incredible source of information it is now, I found myself poring over wildlife books. It was through these books that I learnt that wild animals were being over hunted and their numbers were decreasing rapidly as human behavior impacted their habitats and contributed to habitat loss. Then, I found C.W. Nichol’s book and learned for the first time about “Rangers” (wildlife protection officers). I was fascinated by their work, and while researching how I could become a ranger, I found out that there was a school in Japan that had a relationship with The College of African Wildlife Management, Mweka, a ranger training school in Tanzania. With a new dream to attend this school, I worked hard to save money, studied hard to learn English and went to Tanzania to study at the age of 26.
──What do you learn at Mweka?
My study there was focused on wildlife management. The job of a ranger is to manage nature reserves while solving problems between people and animals. The classes started by covering basic knowledge on living species, and ranged from how to capture and survey wild animals, to rifle lectures on protecting animals from illegal bushmeat trades. I was particularly impressed by the “People & Protected Areas” class. The origin of protected areas in Africa began when westerners started to hunt wild animals during the colonial period, which led to a decrease in the number of animals. Therefore, to restore nature, locals designated the area as a nature reserve. However, the people who originally lived within the boundaries of the reserve were also driven out, causing conflict. Although there is no single answer, it was very interesting to spend time together discussing the importance of environmental education and eco-tourism.
──Why did you decide to work as a guide instead of a ranger?
While living and studying in a dormitory with my classmates from Africa, I learned that there are many people who have a strong passion to protect the community in which they were born and raised, as well as its wildlife. Therefore, I thought there might be a different way that I as a Japanese person could contribute to protecting nature. I decided that as a guide I could bridge Japan and Africa by telling stories. I wanted to become someone who could tell people what is happening in the area based on my own experience . Guiding is an important part of wildlife conservation.
──You were the first Japanese national to obtain a government-approved professional safari guide license in Kenya. Could you share your story about the process of becoming a professional guide?
In Kenya, you have to have worked in the local tourism industry for at least 2 years to take the license exam. I was working at a lodge in the nature reserve so I was able to take the test. The written test not only challenges you on questions about zoology and ecology, such as “how tall is a giraffe?”, or learning the average weight of animals (questions that are commonly asked by tourists), but you are also tested on history, with questions such as “What is the name of the third wife of the first president of Kenya”, “Which is the biggest hospital in the capital, Nairobi?”…etc. I realized once again that being a guide requires a wide range of knowledge and a deep understanding of the local community, not just animals.
──As a guide, how do you feel the environment for wildlife has changed in recent decades?
In the case of Kenya, the animals inside the reserve are basically protected, but those outside the reserve are still losing their habitats. The Maasai Mara National Reserve was originally an area for the Maasai people, nomadic pastoralists who moved from land to land, grazing cattle and goats. They believed that all wild animals belonged to God, so they would not catch or eat them and valued symbiosis. As a result, the land is still full of wild animals. However, with the rise of capitalistic thinking, the idea of owning a land began to infiltrate into the Maasai way of thinking, and leaders started to divide the land. They began to put up fences, which is starting to create problems as it inhibits wild animals’ ability to come and go freely on the land.
From a climate perspective, the savanna used to have two distinct seasons – wet and dry – but now, due to climate change, even during the dry season they experience heavy rain and flooding, and animals are dying due to long periods of extreme dry weather. I feel that the weather has become unpredictable over the past few decades.
──What are some of the most memorable things that have happened to you as a guide?
Wild animals are always doing something different and show new behaviors and a different side of themselves every time we see them, so there is always something new and surprising to discover. One of the most striking moments was when I saw a lion and leopard fighting. Unfortunately, I didn’t have my camera with me at the time! In the Maasai Mara Reserve, there are three big cats. Lions live in grasslands where the grass is taller, cheetahs live where the grass is easy to run through, and leopards live like ninjas, in forests or places where there are plenty of rocks, for example, where they can easily hide. On this occasion I happened to be where these three habitats overlapped, and I watched as a leopard was spotted and then cornered by three female lions. After a fierce battle, the leopard was killed.
──What do you value the most when you guide?
My priority is sharing what the animals are doing right here, right now. By doing so, we can understand their forms and behaviors, and even convey a close connection with the environment that can normally only be felt at that place. For example, African animals are very distinctive, with very unique patterns and forms, and have evolved over many years to survive in the savanna. I try to maximize what we can learn by feeling with all five senses, such as the smell of a lion eating or the intensity of sunlight on the skin.
──What do you find most rewarding about being a safari guide?
Participating in a tour of Africa from Japan still requires a fair amount of money and time, and people who do make it tend to have their own desires and sense of purpose. So I make an effort to talk with each person and understand those desires so they can spend their time in a way that best suits them. One of the most fulfilling moments for me as a guide is when we share a moment of awe and excitement.
──Continuing on the theme of storytelling, could you also share about your volunteer work?
I love the tropical rainforest called Kakamega Forest in Kenya, and my love for it led me to join the Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers (JOCV), where I worked for two years in the Kakamega Forest in the Wildlife Department. I was in charge of environmental education there, and together with a ranger, I conducted a monthly outreach program at local elementary schools. Since there was no electricity, I took a generator and projector so I could share stories about forest conservation. What surprised me was how excited the children became when I started to show photos of lions and giraffes I had taken in the Maasai Mara. It turned out that, since you need both money and a car to enter a nature reserve, there are many people in Africa who have never seen a lion or elephant in their life! In Japan, you can see them in zoos, but people living in countries where these wild animals actually live in their natural habitats have often never seen them, which I found very strange. So I was happy to see children listening to our stories and looking at the photos with their eyes glistening, and especially to hear some of them say that they would like to become safari guides in the future.
I also worked on other projects, taking pictures of animals and plants in the reserve, and working with experts to identify species to make a list. This list evolved into a shared source of information available for use by rangers and tourists at the visitor center. At the end of my two-year term, they held a farewell party for me. Not only my fellow rangers but also locals, the governor, and even the chief of police joined us.I felt very grateful and proud of my work.
──Final question, please tell us about your personal episode with Dr. Jane.
After graduating Mweka (the college in Tanzania), I wanted to deepen my knowledge and experience to become a guide, so I went backpacking in Africa for a year, visiting classmates who had returned to work in nature reserves. During this time, I decided to go to Gombe where the Jane Goodall Institute has their largest chimpanzee sanctuary. While I was observing the chimpanzees there, they suddenly got excited and started to make an unusual and tremendous noise. I wondered what was going on, and then I saw Jane coming. All the chimpanzees were clearly very excited. Apparently they all wanted to hold her hand! So I also found myself more moved by the fact that I had met Dr. Jane than the chimpanzees…!
After that, I had a chance to talk with Dr. Jane at the observation hut. I told her that I had graduated Mweka and wanted to become a guide for Japanese travelers. She said, “That is such a wonderful choice you made,” which still remains in my heart. Those words have been one of the driving forces for me to follow my own path as a guide.
At the same time, Dr. Jane also told me that a female chimp that had been missing for a long time came to see her. The chimp showed her her twin babies, even more incredible given that twins are incredibly rare. It was a truly amazing experience that made me wonder how she builds such a deep bond with wild animals.
Questions by: Mori To Doubutsu
Photo: Courtesy of Kato Naokuni
Coordination: Asami Yamamoto
Interview & Text: Mina Oba
Editor: Mariko McTier