待望の新刊のお知らせ!「ジェーン・グドール 希望の教室」発売 New publication announcement! "Jane Goodall Classroom of Hope"

海と月社より2022年4月28日に『ジェーン・グドール 希望の教室』(原題「THE BOOK OF HOPE」)の待望の日本語版が刊行されました!
この本では、誰もが求めているのに、じつはあまり理解されていない「希望」について、世界で最も著名なナチュラリスト、ジェーン・グドールが、対話をしながら、深く、あたたかく、語る。彼女が、その並はずれた人生で出会ってきた感動的で刺激的な話、それに写真も多数紹介される。── すべての人に希望を。本書がその道しるべになるだろう。
「すべての命あるものが生まれながらに持つ権利を守ろう、未来の世代に希望を与えよう、これまでにない大規模な環境の危機に今すぐ行動を起こそう と力強く訴えるジェーンは、この地上で最も影響力のある偉大なリーダーのひとりだ。毎日のように世界中にポジティブな考え方を広め、人々の自覚を促している」
── レオナルド・ディカプリオ
『ジェーン・グドール 希望の教室』
(原題「THE BOOK OF HOPE」)〈海と月社〉
Thank you for waiting, everyone in Japan!
The long-awaited Japanese version of “Jane Goodall Hope Classroom” (original title “THE BOOK OF HOPE”) was published on April 28, 2022 by Umi and Tsukisha!
“Do you really believe that there is still hope for this world and our future?”
“Yes, I truly believe that.”
The fresh thoughts and teachings of Dr. Goodall, who is praised by the world as an animal behaviorist, environmentalist, and UN peace ambassador.
Crises, destruction of nature, global pandemics, wars… can we really have hope in a world full of problems?
In this book, Jane Goodall, one of the world’s most prominent naturalists, speaks deeply and warmly through dialogue about “hope,” which is sought by many but is actually not well understood. Inspiring and inspiring tales of her encounters during her extraordinary life, along with many photographs. Hope for all. This book will be your guide.
“Jane is a forceful call to action to protect the birthrights of all living beings, to give hope to future generations, and to take immediate action in the face of an unprecedented environmental crisis. He’s one of the most influential and great leaders in the world, and every day he spreads positive thinking and awareness around the world.”
— Leonardo DiCaprio
“Jane Goodall Classroom of Hope”
(Original title “THE BOOK OF HOPE”) <Umi to Tsukisha>