【ニュースレター】vol.00 新たなるスタートのときを迎えて [News Letter] Reason for Hope 2024

2001年に、世界で12番目のJGI(The Jane Goodall Institute)の支部として、当時大学生だった一人の若者が中心となって日本に発足して以来、特定非営利活動法人 ジェーン・グドール インスティテュート ジャパン(NPO The Jane Goodall Institute Japan:JGI-Japan)はその活動を継続してまいりました。
そして、実際に各地で行動を始めた多くの若者たちの姿にふれることこそが、ジェーン博士の『Reason for Hope』に更なる揺るぎない確信をもたらしてきたのです。
New JGI-Japan始動!
特定非営利活動法人 ジェーン・グドール インスティテュートジャパン理事長
小池 潔
Since its establishment in 2001 as the 12th branch of The Jane Goodall Institute (JGI) worldwide, launched by a university student at the time, the Non-Profit Organization Jane Goodall Institute Japan (JGI-Japan) has been dedicated to continuing its activities. This is not only a testament to the resonance with Dr. Jane Goodall’s work but also a result of the passionate support from many individuals who have sustained us thus far. We express our heartfelt gratitude once again.
Dr. Jane Goodall Continuous Journey of Hope
Dr. Jane, who will celebrate her momentous 90th birthday this April, remains unwavering in her pursuit despite the deteriorating global environment due to climate change, the spread of worldwide pandemics, ongoing conflicts, and the unpredictable state of global affairs. In the midst of these challenges, Dr. Jane tirelessly travels the world, offering insights at numerous international conferences and engaging through storytelling.
Dr. Jane has a reason for “hope.” Despite the crises that may unfold, she believes in the power of individual actions, no matter how small. Taking that step forward is akin to a single dewdrop in the mountainous morning, eventually forming a sparkling stream, flowing into a river, and ultimately changing the world as it meets the sea. This is the message that Dr. Jane has consistently conveyed to the youth.
Witnessing the actions of countless young individuals who have initiated change in various places has only strengthened Dr. Jane’s unwavering conviction, as outlined in her book ‘Reason for Hope.’ The endeavors of these young people is a constant reminder that, indeed, positive change is achievable. Together we can. Together we must.
Purpose of Dr. Jane Visiting Japan
In July of last year, 2023, the long-awaited visit of Dr. Jane’s trip to Japan took place after a six-year hiatus, driven by her strong desire. The visit proved to be highly meaningful, including reunions with those who have been steadfast supporters and engaging in dialogues with the youth.
Japan, with its rich history in primatology research, has been home to many researchers who were staunch allies in primatology, an area Dr. Jane has devoted her life to. As a leading nation in primatology research globally, Japan holds a special place in Dr. Jane’s heart.
The sole reason Dr. Jane eagerly sought to visit Japan this time, is to support the youth-led action program Roots & Shoots. She wishes to empower the young generation of Japan to take action alongside peers worldwide in safeguarding what they hold dear. The newly established JGI-Japan is committed to supporting the realization of your ‘hope’.
The New Beginnings for JGI-Japan!
In 2023, with the visit of Dr. Jane to Japan, JGI-Japan underwent a revitalization. Our website has been rebuilt with a wealth of information and an open door. Welcoming new staff, we are collaborating with JGI branches worldwide, aspiring to engage in international activities.
Above all, our focus now is to dedicate ourselves to supporting Roots & Shoots activities in Japan. In the coming months, we will be setting up platforms for introducing R&S group activities, facilitating information exchange, and fostering connections with overseas branches.
For those of you who wish to take action but find it challenging, or are unsure where to begin, Roots & Shoots is here for you. Our staff is wholeheartedly committed to supporting each of you as you take those steps forward.
Last year, Jane expressed her anticipation for the next visit in two years, promising to return. During the next visit, she looks forward to celebrating the endeavors of existing R&S groups and the newly emerging ones, as they work towards realizing their respective hopes. We invite all R&S groups, volunteers, and supporting organizations to join us in this journey.
We are currently seeking volunteers to support R&S activities and welcome contributions from companies and organizations. In 2024, we aim to participate in various events, including Dr. Jane’s birthday celebration, and we hope to be alongside you.
We sincerely ask for your continued support for the new JGI-Japan. Thank you!
NPO Jane Goodall Institute Japan
Chairman Kiyoshi Koike
***This is the newsletter distributed on January 31, 2024. If you wish to receive our newsletters, please register here.***