Meet the Roots & Shoots Yokohama International School!

ルーツ&シューツ ジャパンにグループ登録をしてくださった横浜インターナショナルスクールを訪れました!
さらに、グループはジェーン・グドール インスティテュート(JGI)が運営する「チンプ・ガーディアン・プログラム」にも登録しています。このプログラムでは、JGIが保護する特定のチンパンジーへの寄付金を送ることができ、遠くの地にいてもチンパンジーのガーディアンになれるというもの。YISのみんなのチンプの名前は「アンザック」だそうです。訪問したこの日は、11月に予定している学校イベントに向けて、チンパンジーの編みぐるみや紙パックや折り紙を用いて制作したボックスやコーヒースリーブを制作し、その収益を「チンプ・ガーディアン・プログラム」のチンパンジーに寄付する予定です。
Text: Mina Oba
Roots & Shoots Yokohama International School is a group of middle school students at Yokohama International School who advocate for animals, the environment and people. They currently run a Tetra Pak recycling program in the school cafeteria which earns Bellmark points that can be used to buy school supplies for a local orphanage.
In fact, the group has been working on the Roots & Shoots program for three years, so they have been taken many action on the issues they found. The group meets once a week after school to share information about current issues under an agenda and decide on activities and who is in charge.
When they found out that the Tetra Pak juice cartons were thrown away as a burnable trash in the cafeteria, they began to consider whether or not they could recycle them. After writing letters to recycling organization and doing other research, they found out that there was a box called Tetra Pak Recycle Mail. They set up a special bin with Tetra Pak posters to raise awareness. The Roots & Shoots members open and clean the collected aluminum paper cartons one by one, and send them to Tetra Pak when the box is full. They also collect aluminum paper cartons brought from home. The paper packs are cleaned in the school’s vegetable garden to avoid wasting water.
The group has also joined the Chimp Guardian program with monthly sponsorship. By becoming their Chimp Guardian, you can give orphaned chimps a second chance. Their chimp’s name is Anzac. They are now preparing for a school event held in November, by creating knitted chimpanzees, beautiful boxes and coffee sleeves made from paper cartons and origami so they can fundraise for the Chimp Guardian program. They are planning to spread the activity to the entire school!
Thank you for the inspiration work!