姉妹がリーダー! Roots & Shoot「森と動物」のご紹介
Meet Roots & Shoots group "Mori To Doubutsu". Members started from sisters to grandparents and now growing in their community.

Roots & Shoot🌱Youth Conferenceで発表したグループ「森と動物」のご紹介✨
IG: @mori_to_doubutsu
JGI USが運営するチンプガーディアンプログラムに参加。孤児のチンパンジー “Kabi” への寄付を通してKabiの生育環境がより良いものになるサポートをしています。
Roots & Shoots “Mori to Doubutsu”
(Mori means forest, and Doubutsu means Animal in Japanese)
The group leaders are two sisters, 10 and 12 y/o. Their parents, grandparents, cousins living in US, and two friends are now in their group, always growing their members!
Their interest in animal protection and conservation sparked when living in United States. The family spent three and a half years in New Jersey, living surrounded by nature and animals, visiting national parks. After returning to Japan, they read Dr. Jane Goodall’s book and joined Roots & Shoots🌱.
At the R&S conference, they introduced their five activities.
(1) Reduce plastic and paper waste🧴.
Carry your own bag, water bottle, and straw, and use environmentally friendly dish cloths. In fact, Japan ranks second in the world in the amount of plastic waste disposed. Daily mindfulness is a pleasant action that everyone can take every day. Reducing consumption will also be a base for changing companies and policies.
(2) Recycling and reuse activities ♻️
Put unused clothes in local clothing recycling bins, flea market, or Mercari sites to recycle clothes. They also collect plastic bottles and lids and put them out in neighborhood recycling bins. Lets check out their local recycling locations ✅.
(3) Food drive activities🍎.
This is an activity in which people bring in surplus food and other items from their homes and collect them to donate to welfare organizations, facilities, food banks, and other organizations. In their community, food is distributed twice a month to those in need. They donate food from their homes to local food drives.
(4) Chimp Guardian Program🐵.
Participates in the Chimp Guardian Program run by JGI US. Through donations to the orphan chimpanzee “Kabi,” they are helping to improve Kabi’s life.
(5) Studying endangered animals 👀.
They participated in the Junior Ranger Program in the US and recently studied about the Yambarukuina (Okinawa rail).
In the future they are thinking to participate in trash pick ups in the community. They are also planning to hold a beeswax wrap Work Shops! In addition, they are participating in the bee painting contest held by Yamada Yohojyo🐝 One tree will be planted per one painting🌳.
Lets get inspired through their stories, explore, take action, and celebrate all the goods we’ve done🌳🌳.