Onion Harvesting & Regenerating a Community Hut at Natural Farm Akisawa

ルーツ&シューツの活動において、「Get Inspired」つまり「知る」ということはアクションを起こす上でのファーストステップ。そこで、あきさわ園からインスピレーションを得るべく、この日はすでにグループ登録をしてくれている若者たちに収穫体験を呼びかけたところ、子どもたちが学校の友達を誘うなどし、子どもから大人まで50人近くが集まった。地球への愛を育むことを共有できる仲間が増えることはいつだって素晴らしい!
子どもたちは、あきさわ園の秋沢史隆さんや大学生の話を聞きながら、農園の背景や「下中タマネギ」の栽培、収穫方法に耳を傾けたのち、いざ収穫!子どもたちはスポンっと抜けるタマネギに歓喜! そして根っこや葉の部分をハサミで丁寧に切り、籠に集めていく。畑の一角だけでもこんなに大変なのかと体感すると同時に、「わたし、将来農家になりたい」と話す子どもも。飽きたらトカゲを追いかけ、美しいイモムシを見つけ、ダンゴムシを拾い、里山にはおにごっこをする子どもたちの声が響く、のどかな日本の原風景と出逢った。
今回のイベントでは、大学生が大活躍。Agrlienを運営する学生さんは、自分たちが取り組んできたタマネギの栽培から収穫のことを教え、建築学部の学生さんは地球とともに暮らす家づくりについてその場で学び、土づくりのことを率先して小さい子たちに伝えた。そして上海でRoots & Shootsの活動をしていたという学生さんは、日本への留学を機に日本支部にジョインした。まさに、 ジェーン・グドール博士が常々口にしてきた、“Every individual matters. Every individual has a role to play. Every individual makes a difference(一人ひとりが大切な存在であり、一人ひとりに役割があり、一人ひとりが変化を生み出すことができる)”を体現するかのよう。
Roots & Shootsを始めるきっかけとなるこうした貴重な体験。秋沢さん、学生のみなさん、皆のインスピレーションとなる機会をありがとうございました。そしてご参加いただいたみなさま、愛に溢れた空間をありがとうございました。里山の再生、フードロス削減への取り組みなど、この体験から得て変化した日々のアクションは大きなインパクトをもたらすはず。
「Roots & Shoots Natural Farm Akisawa」にて、次はみんなで何をしようか。もうすでにわくわく!次は梅の時期かしら。みんなの山や竹林の整備かしら。
Text: Mina Oba
Get inspired from Natural Farm Akisawa
Natural Farm Akisawa, located in Odawara, has been farming for 300 years. They grow more than 50 varieties of various fruits and vegetables, especially oranges. Vegetables planted on the flat areas of the mountain, fruit trees on the sloping sides, and rice at the foot of the mountain, conserving its rich biodiversity of the land which we inherit from our ancestors.
The morning rainfall flourished the plants, giving us fresh air filling up our lungs to our body. We passed through traditional Japanese houses that are made of bamboo and soil, plum orchards, mandarin oranges, Shonan gold fields, and climbed up the mountain to the 130-meter elevation point where the onions are ready to be harvested. From the onion fields, you can see the beautiful natural landscape of mountains and valleys woven by mother earth, and the view of Sagami Bay stretches out before one’s eyes. The treasure-like scenery is simply speechless, and it makes you realize how much we are immersed in the world of human centered activities in daily life. This place, however, is a special space that serves as an open doorway between the boundaries of nature and human (which shouldn’t exist), and allows one to experience the circulation and coexistence of people, nature, and all the living things.
Unveiling our 5 Senses
In the activities of Roots & Shoots, “Get Inspired” is the first step. So today, we called our Roots & Shoots group to join the onion harvesting at the farm. From children to adults, nearly 50 people gathered together. The youth also invited their friends at school too. Roots & Shoots are always good to grow and share our love for the earth.
The onions also have a story of the power of youth. In recent years, abandoned farmlands and bamboo forests have been increasing. These are a major issue not only here in Odawara, but throughout Japan as well. The abandoned farmlands become a pathway for wild animals, but on the other hand it damages the crops, and is also a source of decrease of food self-sufficiency. In order to regenerate the land, the cultivation of “Shimonaka Onion” started in 2017 by university students group “Agrlien”, with the support of Akisawa Farm. They nurtured soil by using rich organic matter. The unique climate of the region, with its temperature difference between day and night, sea breezes from Sagami Bay, and clay soil with minerals, grows sweet and tasty onions. The onions are now highly valued and popular from many restaurants and locals.
The children listened to a talk by Mr. Fumitaka Akisawa and university student about the background of the farm, the cultivation of Shimonaka Onions, and the harvesting method. The children were delighted to see and feel the onions popping out of the ground when they pulled the beautiful veggie out of its soil bed! Then they carefully cut the roots and leaves with scissors and gathered them into baskets. Some children were talking, “Maybe I want to be a farmer when I grow up”. The kids chased after lizards, found beautiful caterpillars, picked up roly poly, and the voices of the children playing filled the peaceful Satoyama.
Building a Community Hut with Fermented Soil
We were also fortunate to experience traditional house building. Akisawa Farm is working on a project to regenerate a 100-year-old storehouse, with the aim of building a sustainable local community (Check out the crowd funding project of Natural Farm Akisawa through here). Odawara mandarin farmers have traditionally stored the oranges for one to four months in storehouses after harvesting them in December in order to balance the sweetness and sourness. These storehouses have been built from generation to generation using natural materials such as bamboo and soil. The raw materials for the walls are soil that were brought from the rice field at the foot of the mountain. Carefully mixed with straws, they fermented the soil for two years. The soil is then applied to the bamboo woven wall (called “Take-komai”) after an additional mix of straw.
Every Individual Matters
Student volunteers also played an active role in this event. The university student who runs Agrlien taught the children how to grow and harvest onions. A student from the architecture department learned about building a sustainable house and took the initiative to teach young children about building a perfect soil. Also an international student who had been volunteering at Roots & Shoots Shanghai joined the Japan Chapter.
Just like Jane always says “Every individual matters. Every individual has a role to play. Every individual makes a difference”.
Thank you, Mr. Akizawa and students, for giving us this inspiration opportunity. Thank you to everyone who joined and shared their love of the earth. We hope this experience brings the next step to take actions, such as reforestation, reducing food waste, and etc.
What’s next at Roots & Shoots Natural Farm Akisawa? Stay tuned!
Text: Mina Oba