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🐚World Oceans Day on June 8th 🐳 Tidal pool observation with members of the Shiseido Group and R&S groups✨








①岩場、磯浜 ②砂地、砂浜 ③人工海岸、港湾、堤防など





















公益財団法人 かながわ海岸美化財団
住所:253-0033 神奈川県茅ケ崎市汐見台1-7


アゴハゼ:forktongue goby (Chaenogobius annularis)
ボラ幼魚:young Japanese mullet
ナベカ:stickleback (any fish of family Gasterosteidae)
キタマクラ:Eptatretus okinoseanus (species of hagfish found in Japan and Taiwan)
ダイナンギンポ:tidepool gunnel sp.

ムラサキウニ:purple sea urchin (Heterocentrotus mammillatus)
バフンウニ:Buffoon sea urchin、馬糞:horse dung


イソスジエビ:blunt slipper lobster (species of shovel-nosed lobster, Scyllarides squammosus) 
ホンヤドカリ(ツメの先が白い):hermit crab
ベニホンヤドカリ:hermit crab
ヒライソガニ:Asian shore crab (Hemigrapsus sanguineus)
フナムシ:wharf roach (species of isopod closely related to the sea slater; Ligia exotica)
ハマトビムシ:beach flea (any amphipod of family Talitridae)

アコヤガイ:Marten’s pearl oyster (Pinctada fucata martensii)
クロチョウガイ:black-lip pearl oyster (Pinctada margaritifera)
アメフラシ:sea hare (esp. species Aplysia kurodai)
クモヒトデ:brittle star (any starfish-like echinoderm of the order Ophiuroidea)
イトマキヒトデ:crown-of-thorns starfish (Acanthaster planci)

アマモ(海草):Japanese eelgrass
ホンダワラ:Sargassum fulvellum (species of edible brown alga)
カジメ:Ecklonia cava (species of brown alga)
緑藻:green algae 褐藻:Brown algae 紅藻:Red algae

アンドンクラゲ:Andon jellyfish
カツオのエボシ:Portuguese man-of-war (Physalia physalis)
ハオコゼ:Hypodytes rubripinnis (species of waspfish)
ゴンズイ:striped eel catfish (Plotosus lineatus)
ガンガゼ(ウニの仲間):Sea urchin
フジツボ:acorn barnacle (Balanomorpha spp.)
サメ:shark (esp. the Japanese shark, Carcharhinus leucas)
ヒョウモンダコ:blue-ringed octopus (esp. one species, the blue-lined octopus, Hapalochlaena fasciata)


Thank you to everyone who participated in the beach observation event!

With nice breeze and sunshine, it was perfect condition to celebrate the World Oceans Day. Approximately 70 Shiseido employees and their families, who have registered R&S as a company, and 46 members from the R&S group joined the amazing day.

The location was Wagaejima on Zaimokuza Beach in Kamakura, which appears only during low tide around the spring tide. Wagaejima is actually Japan’s oldest constructed port, built in the Kamakura period for ships carrying timber and other materials for temple and shrine construction in Kamakura’s shallow waters. The stones piled on the sand create an artificial rocky shore that is now a treasure trove of marine life, so you can observe a variety of seasonal coastal creatures. On the day of the event, JGI-Japan President Kiyoshi Koike, who specializes in marine nature activities, led the enjoyable seaside exploration.

R&S members also done beach cleanup. They brought their own tongs and used the garbage bags provided by the Kanagawa Bika Zaidan.

🐚 Throwback & Highlights of the Day 🐚

About the Coastline
At Wagaejima, you can observe the coastline types seen in Japan, excluding coral reefs.
<Coastline Types in Japan>
① Rocky and tidal shore ② Sandy beach ③ Artificial coastline, port, breakwater, etc.

Diverse environments allow for the observation of many creatures, making Wagaejima, which compactly fulfills these elements, enjoyable!

Zaimokuza Beach has a shallow gradient, making it inaccessible to large ships. However, during the Kamakura period, it was necessary to transport large timbers by ship for the construction of many temples and shrines. Thus, stones were laid down to create a port where ships could dock, forming Wagaejima, which appears only during low tide around the spring tide.

The original sandy beach and the artificially created rocky shore by the piled stones create a diverse environment. The rising and falling tides submerge and expose the area, and various creatures ride the major ocean currents from both the north and the south to this place depending on the season. These factors have brought biodiversity to Wagaejima.

As an aside, for example, Yokohama City has a total of about 60 km of coastline, but only a few hundred meters of natural coastline. The rest is all artificial.

About the Tides
The height of the sea level changes depending on the positions of the Earth, the Moon, and the Sun. Around the full moon and new moon, the Earth, Moon, and Sun align, making the Moon’s pull on Earth’s oceans stronger and increasing the difference between high and low tides.

On the Pacific side, the difference between the highest and lowest tides can be nearly 2 meters. There are two high tides and two low tides each day. The intertidal zone is the area between the highest high tide mark and the lowest low tide mark. Many creatures live in this intertidal zone, making use of the movement of the sea and waves. We observed this intertidal zone during our event.

You can enjoy observing marine life by targeting the time of low tide around the spring tide. Tide tables can be found online by searching for “tide table + the name of the location you want to observe.”

About the Ocean Currents Surrounding Wagaejima
The Kuroshio Current, which brings tropical fish from the south, and the Oyashio Current, rich in plankton from the north, converge in Sagami Bay, where Wagaejima is located. Sagami Bay becomes very deep a little offshore, allowing various creatures to ride the currents to this place depending on the season. The diversity of environments, including shallow and deep areas, allows many species to find suitable habitats. The reason why we can see so many creatures at Wagaejima is due to these features.

About the Large Circulation of Marine Life
For example, crabs adapted for swimming with flat, paddle-like legs and those adapted for walking on rocks with claw-like legs can both be found at Wagaejima, which changes between rocky and submerged environments.

Sea urchins like the long-spined purple sea urchin and the short-spined buffoon sea urchin can both be found, as the environment suits both.

Seaweeds like kajime and hondawara absorb nitrogen, phosphorus, and carbon dioxide from wastewater and photosynthesize to produce oxygen, which animals like fish need for respiration.

The leaves of kajime become food for fish like rabbitfish, and floating hondawara provides hiding places for small fish. When seaweeds wash ashore, scavengers like sandhoppers and beach fleas eat them, and their waste becomes nutrients for plankton. Larger plankton eat the smaller ones, small fish eat the plankton, larger fish eat the small fish, and eventually, marine mammals like dolphins and seabirds eat the larger fish. When these large animals die, smaller creatures feed on them, and their decomposed bodies nurture plankton, continuing the cycle. This large circle of life, in which we humans also participate, maintains the current state of the shoreline.

To ensure that Wagaejima remains a rich marine environment, we should observe creatures gently and avoid disturbing their habitat, returning the creatures we collect to the sea.

About Beach Cleaning
Beach cleaning are the first step in beach beautification. At first, you don’t have to think about just picking up trash. Take a good look at what’s there. You’ll find many wonderful things washed ashore, as well as things you don’t like. First, try separating what you find on the beach. Things from the sea, things from land via rivers, natural objects, artificial objects. Enjoy beachcombing by collecting wonderful things as memories! Think about why you didn’t like certain things. Then, after listening to the explanation, put the items that should be collected in a bag, and use this as a reference for future beach cleanups. Use tongs or other tools, as some items can be dangerous to touch directly.

<Information on Beach Cleaning>
If you want to clean a beach in Kanagawa Prefecture, the Kanagawa Coastal Beautification Foundation can guide you. They provide garbage bags and collect the gathered trash. Consult with them.
Kanagawa Coastal Beautification Foundation
HP: https://www.bikazaidan.or.jp
Address: 1-7 Shiomidai, Chigasaki City, Kanagawa 253-0033
TEL: 0467-87-5379
e-mail: info@bikazaidan.or.jp

How Mary Creatures Did You Find? Marine Creatures in This Area

Forktongue goby (Chaenogobius annularis)
Young Japanese mullet
Stickleback (any fish of family Gasterosteidae)
Eptatretus okinoseanus (species of hagfish found in Japan and Taiwan)
Tidepool gunnel sp. Sawfish

【Sea Urchins and Starfish】
Purple sea urchin (Heterocentrotus mammillatus)
Buffoon sea urchin

【Shrimp and Crabs】
Blunt slipper lobster (species of shovel-nosed lobster, Scyllarides squammosus)
Hermit crab (with white-tipped claws)
Hermit crab Asian shore crab (Hemigrapsus sanguineus)
Various other crabs
Wharf roach (species of isopod closely related to the sea slater; Ligia exotica)
Beach flea (any amphipod of family Talitridae)

【Shellfish, Squid, and Octopus】
Marten’s pearl oyster (Pinctada fucata martensii)
Black-lip pearl oyster (Pinctada margaritifera)
Various other shellfish
Sea hare (esp. species Aplysia kurodai)
Annelid worms
Brittle star (any starfish-like echinoderm of the order Ophiuroidea)
Crown-of-thorns starfish (Acanthaster planci)

【Seaweeds and Seagrasses】
Japanese eelgrass
Sargassum fulvellum (species of edible brown alga)
Ecklonia cava (species of brown alga)
Green algae
Brown algae
Red algae, etc.

【Dangerous Creatures to Observe Carefully】
Andon jellyfish
Jellyfish Portuguese man-of-war (Physalia physalis)
Hypodytes rubripinnis (species of waspfish)
Striped eel catfish (Plotosus lineatus)
Sea urchin
Acorn barnacle (Balanomorpha spp.)
Shark (esp. the Japanese shark, Carcharhinus leucas)
Blue-ringed octopus (esp. one species, the blue-lined octopus, Hapalochlaena fasciata)

AND MORE!!! It is said that more than 100 species of shore creatures live here! Some of you may have found nudibranchs and other unusual creatures.

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