東京で開催されたイベントでのRoots & Shootsのピースデーワークショップを振り返って 🕊️
Roots & Shoots Peace Day workshop at Tokyo

国際平和デーの9月21日、東京都渋谷の代々木公園にて、NPO法人Peace Dayによって運営される大規模イベントにブース出展をしました。ブースでは、Roots & Shootsのみんなが作成したPeace Doveを飾り、当日は臨床美術士の𣕚木麻衣子さんの協力のもと、楽しいアートワークを実施。
イラストレーターのRisa Kusumotoさんが描いた鳩を、𣕚木さんがお手製の消しゴムはんこにしていただき、さらには𣕚木さんが牛乳パックから作成した和紙のカードにスタンプ! そしてスポイトで好きに色付けなどを行い、真ん中にメッセージを書いたら完成です。
横浜インターナショナルスクールの小学部のRoots & Shootsのみなさんが作成したポスターも展示。
First Stepのグループも下関でPeace Doveを製作し写真を送ってくださいました!心と心がつながる体験に胸が熱くなります。平和を希求する輪の広がりに、未来を見た気がしました。
Text: Mina Oba
Throwback to the Roots & Shoots Peace Day workshop held at the @peaceday_jp event in Tokyo.
On September 21, International Day of Peace, we had the opportunity to set up a booth at a large-scale event held in Yoyogi Park, Tokyo, organized by the NPO Peace Day. At our booth, we displayed Peace Doves created by Roots & Shoots members and hosted a fun art activity with the support of artist Maiko Tamoki.
Illustrator Risa Kusumoto designed a dove, which Maiko transformed into handmade stamps. Participants used these stamps on washi paper cards made from milk cartons, also crafted by Maiko. After stamping the doves, participants decorated them with vibrant drops of color using pipettes. Once the artwork was complete, they added a personal message for peace.
Each participant created two doves—one to take home as a postcard to send a heartfelt message to someone special, and the other to display as a symbol of solidarity and hope for peace.
The colorful doves swayed gently in the breeze, and by the end of the event, over 100 Peace Doves had been created. Children and adults alike enjoyed the creative process, expressing their individuality through their artwork while participating in a collective movement for peace.
We also had posters made by the Roots & Shoots elementary school students from Yokohama International School. Additionally, high school members from YIS Roots & Shoots created doves using plastic waste, demonstrating their commitment to sustainability and peace. The event was further enriched by the participation of high school and university volunteers, making it a great success.
The First Step group in Shimonoseki also joined the initiative by making Peace Doves, creating heartfelt moments of connection. Witnessing the growing circle of individuals coming together to envision and express their hopes for peace truly inspired a sense of hope for the future.
Text: Mina Oba