YIS High School Roots & Shootsの新しい活動のようすをチェック!
YIS High School Roots & Shoots Making Washi from Milk Carton Selling for Charity

テトラパックのリサイクルに取り組むYISのRoots & Shoots。これまでの活動のようすは、是非過去のレポートをチェックしてみてください。
横浜インターナショナルスクールにテトラパック社が来校! Roots & Shootsの取り組みを視察されました。
以前、ピースデーにて和紙で作る鳩のワークショップを考案して牛乳パックで和紙制作をしてくださったアーティストのMaiko TamokiさんにYISへと来てもらい、紙漉きの方法やコツなどを伝授してもらいました。
YISの皆さんの継続的な素晴らしい活動! 環境、動物、人間をより良い未来へと変えています。
・横浜インターナショナルスクールにテトラパック社が来校! Roots & Shootsの取り組みを視察されました。(2024.5)
YIS Roots & Shoots has been actively working on recycling Tetra Paks. For details on their past activities, please check out their previous reports!
The initiative to collect Tetra Paks within the school has expanded beyond students to include parents and teachers. Along the way, other milk cartons were also brought in. Wondering how they could make use of non-Tetra Pak cartons, the group decided to repurpose them into washi paper for sale!
To learn the craft of Washi paper making, the group invited artist Maiko Tamoki to YIS. Maiko had previously led a Peace Day workshop using washi made from milk cartons, and during her visit, she shared tips and techniques for creating washi.
The YIS members prepared ahead by softening the cartons in water to separate the paper from the plastic, and then blending the paper pulp in a mixer. During the workshop, the pulp was poured into molds, pressed to remove excess water, and set out to dry in the sunlight streaming through the windows. They even created versions with pressed herbs and leaves from the school garden for added decoration.
The finished washi paper was later sold at a school event as part of a charity fundraiser, with proceeds donated to support Anzac at the Tchimpounga Sanctuary.
Amazing and inspirational actions are changing the environment, animals, and humanity for a better future.
Previous articles of YIS HS Roots & Shoots