小学生グループ、ドリームビルダーズの活動をチェック! 地球への愛を込めてクラファンに挑戦中
Check Out The Crowd Funding Challenge of Dream Builders

SDGsをはじめとする地球の様々な課題に取り組む小学生プロジェクトチーム、ドリームビルダーズ。JGIのスタッフ大庭がドリームビルダーズのファウンダーであるMireiさんと出会ったのは、映画『Animal』での試写会のこと。同じイベントで登壇し、グループのスローガンである“Small Steps, Big Impact”について話す彼女の想いと行動に、胸が高鳴ったのを今でも覚えています。
2023年8月、当時小学校4年生だったMireiさんは友達とともにドリームビルダーズを結成し、“小学生にもできる活動”を自分たちで考え、活動しています。2023年には 「アフリカの汚染水」をテーマにワークショップを開催し、ポスターを制作したり、使い捨てを減らすためのオリジナルのカトラリーセットを販売したり。それにより集まった11万6000円をユニセフに寄付しています(100万リットル以上の水を浄化できる量の浄水剤を寄付することに匹敵するんだとか!)。2024年にはバイオディーゼル工場を訪問したり、上映会を開催したり、社会起業ワークショップを開催したり、たくさんのことに取り組まれています!
Photo: Dream Buildersクラファンサイトより
Text: Mina Oba
Dream Builders is a project team of elementary school students tackling SDGs related global issues. I (JGI staff member Mina) first met Mirei, the founder of Dream Builders, at the screening of the documentary “Animal”. We both took the stage at the same event, and I still remembers how deeply moved I was by Mirei’s passion and commitment to their group’s slogan: “Small Steps, Big Impact.”
Mirei’s interest in the SDGs began in the second grade when she discovered microplastics inside a saury fish which she bought at the supermarket. From that moment on, climate change stopped being “someone else’s problem” and became a personal issue—a matter of safety for her, her family, and her friends.
In August 2023, when Mirei was in the fourth grade, she founded Dream Builders with her friends, focusing on “activities that elementary school students can do.” That same year, they organized a workshop on “Clean Water,” created posters, and sold original reusable cutlery sets to reduce single-use plastics. The proceeds—116,000 yen—were donated to UNICEF, equivalent to providing enough water purification tablets to clean over 1 million liters of water!
In 2024, Dream Builders have continued their incredible efforts, including visiting a biodiesel plant, hosting screenings, organizing social entrepreneurship workshops, and more. Their journey is full of ideas that inspire action and offer endless learning opportunities.
One standout project is “Eco Charms”—handmade accessories upcycled from plastic bottle caps. These adorable, unique pieces are crafted with love for the planet and make perfect socially conscious gifts. Each accessory carries a story and a message about climate change, making activism feel accessible and approachable. By focusing on something as “cute” as accessories, Dream Builders offer a gentle yet powerful way for everyone to reflect on their connection to the Earth and make conscious choices.
Now, Dream Builders are taking on a new challenge: crowdfunding (ending December 31—don’t miss it!). Their goal is to expand their reach, encourage more children to join, and raise funds to support their activities. The money raised will be used for, creating accessory boxes to package Eco Charms like necklaces, earrings, and piercings for customers, hosting parent-child workshops to learn about environmental issues, and more.
If you resonate with Dream Builders’ mission, check out their crowdfunding site to show your support.
On December 21 (Saturday) and December 22 (Sunday), they will also host a Christmas sales event at Yurakucho Marui, 6F “Ethical Living LAB.” This is a perfect opportunity to purchase Eco Charms in person. If you’re in the area, don’t miss this chance!
Support Dream Builders through Crowdfunding
Visit the Dream Builders Website
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Photo: From the Dream Builders crowdfunding site
Text: Mina Oba